Monday, September 11, 2006

The Right is All Right

I would like to begin my first post by quoting the axiom “If you are under 30 and you are not a Liberal, you do not have a heart.” Conversely. ”If you are over 30 and are not Conservative, you do not have a brain”. If this adage holds true, I may be as heartless as the Tin-Man. All kidding aside, I do have a heart, it is quite blue and I wear it on my sleeve aside my Tory stripes.

Judging from some of dirt that is flying off of the campaign train I think I can easily disprove the belief that Liberals do “Have a heart.”

As accounted to Bacchus, a Liberal Moncton area candidate has been campaigning with the golden aged widow of a former Premier. While it is nice to get the endorsement of generations past, is it kind to repay the kindness of our seniors by asking them to climb steep embankments such as “Braemar Dr.” to knock on doors?

“Hey Liberals, Have a Heart.”

More details given to Bacchus, tell of a certain former MP who has been warning seniors at the Villa de Repos, that voting Conservative will “endanger their pensions”. Scarring our seniors, I hope this is not how the Grits hope to win.

“Hey Liberals, Have a Heart.”

Not to sound naïve here, but elections should be fought on the issues shouldn’t they? It always tends to become more complex in the second half of any election campaign, but are these tactics necessary? Ask any senior what their thoughts are on this?

Day after day, new components of a solid Conservative platform are released to the public and followed by similar policy responses from the Liberals. While imitation is indeed the most sincere form of flattery, this has resulted in trailing Liberal polling numbers. The Premier himself said “If our policies are so good, why do you [the Liberal Party] oppose us?”

I guess there is little left to do in the last week of a campaign when your polling numbers are down, other than to shock and scare the most loyal demographic of voters.

“Hey Liberals, Have a Heart.”

The Tory platform on seniors is nothing short of visionary, such as the idea of protecting their assets 100%. No government before has done more for our greatest generation. We should honor those who came before us, they’ve earned it and they deserve it.

What’s more, wisdom comes with age.

Please remember Mr. Graham, seniors are over 30 and they do have a brain.



At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The Tory platform on seniors is a total steal from the Liberals.

The Tories have resisted changes that would not take away seniors' assets for years. It was the Liberal push that makes for changes. Do any of you ever read Letters to the Editor in Provincial papers--DESPERATE people complaining that the only way to protect their assets and for a spouse to survive in the family household was to get a divorce?

Also, because of Tory policies, many seniors are languishing in hospital beds instead of being put in special care homes which are much cheaper. This disrupts the whole health system and makes for longer waiting times for all of us.

I hope you all realize that this affects not only seniors--but their sons and daughters who are faced with very difficult decisions.

WAKE UP!!!! The Tories have been snoozing on many issues for 7 years.

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Anonymous,

I would like to take a moment to thank you for your kind words; Bacchus loves to hear from the fans.

My friend I feel, as though I am telling a child that there is no Santa Claus here, but it is my duty to tell you that letters to the editor does not make up an accurate representation or cross section of the public opinion. Letters to the editor often reflect a vocal minority or individuals with an axe to grind. Using these letters as a barometer on the group think of New Brunswickers, is akin to watching Jerry Springer for marital advice.

Chaos theory, is the belief that a simple butterfly flapping its wings in Japan can set into place a chain of reactions that could result (for example) in a tsunami in North America. The truth is, other than conspiracy theorist, few people subscribe to this, in short people in hospital beds can affect the rest of us but it is not the only factor there are too many variables at play here. I have much more on this, but I will leave that for another day.

What I would recommend Mr. /Ms. Anonymous, is to continue to read The Right is All Right, Bacchus will continue to dispense pearls of sagely wisdom for the fans to grow on.


At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Huh? How does having a senior in a hospital bed not mean longer waits for the rest of us? If they were in a home, the bed would be available, if not, then we have to wait for one to become available (or in the case of emergency lay on a gurney in the hall).

That's pretty straightforward, and if letters to the editor weren't indicative, then the parties would not be making it 'all about seniors', and Lord would not now be promising things he's spent 7 years avoiding. LTTE are very indicative, as they are often done by seniors organizations who represent many individuals.

And if you are going to hand out pearls of wisdom try to stick to facts, not movies. Chaos in its theory does not have random parameters but deterministic ones that can be quantified by statistical analysis, such as the motion of the stars, fluids, weather and plate tectonics. The seniors example was straightforwardly deterministic and lacks the small variations of the initial conditions. It's not esoteric at all.

At 11:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks 2:55 PM from 12:41 AM

The seniors' issue has really been bothering me--by the way, I'm not there yet by a long shot. It has especially bothered me when there is a spouse involved, and that spouse has been left with not enough money to run the family household.

Unfortunately for the Tories, they are only offering up promises when they fear losing power--I trust the public to see through this.

At 9:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Once Again Anonymous,

Well my Liberal fan, Bacchus certainly appreciates the interest you've shown on this piece.

Bacchus will extend to you the last word on this article as this conversation has become boring. Bacchus would gladly explain your misinterpretations of simplistic metaphors or that isolated cases do not make a trend or a rule but let's save that for Tuesday morning.

Bacchus has a favorite movie line which comes from the Untouchables, "Mr. Ness, you're an intelligent man, so I'll pay you the compliment of being blunt...” It is fitting here since being direct is much more efficient. As Bacchus mentioned above, each policy the Conservatives released was copied by the Liberals, thanks for the flattery, but we'll take it from here. For 4 weeks, we have asked the public if they are better off than they were 7 years ago; the answer is a resounding yes.

As stated before seniors know this, just ask them. But don't take it from Bacchus, the electorate will tell you on Tuesday morning.

Bacchus has hope for you yet.



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