Friday, December 08, 2006

Penn and Teller: Bullshit! Environmental Hysteria

Before you decide that the Conservative party's Clean Air act is not going to save the sky from falling or beleive that Stephane Dion, the guy who led the Liberal's abysmall record on Kyoto you need to watch Penn and Teller show us that we are not ruining the planet...


At 5:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penn and Teller do bring up some good points that do need to be heard. However, they do have a right wing point of view, so we need to take what they say with a grain a salt. The truth about global warming is probably somewhere in the middle of the two extreme point of views.

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah..let's take environmental advice from Penn and Teller.

At 8:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On the contrary, Penn and Teller do not deny that climate change is happening but do a very good job at illustrating the hysteria around this entire issue.

The only reason this has become such a huge issue is due to the fact that the Liberals cannot dent the Conservative armour on anything else. I do beleive that climate change is happening, but I do not want ourgoverment to over react by buying votes which will cause a collapse of our economy.

The environmental responsibility lays largely on the people. Individuals contribute more towards green house gasses then industry.

Who consumes and wastes massive energie ressources? Who leaves the car idling in the driveway for 20 min every morning? Who never turns off their computer when they go out for lunch? Who drives the demand for oil and other pullutants? The answer.. We the people.

If you feel so pasionate about climate change, I urge you to start changing the world with yourself. Lead by example... but do not buy into the histeria of the left or by 2100 we will be buying beachfront property in Peticodiac.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Armstrong Hammer said...

Global warming is a scam it is all about forcing the theory on people to make them buy carbon credits to alleviate them of their guilt.

Penn and Teller are not right-wingers, they bash the Bible and they bash the war on drugs, and they bash a whole lot of things. I think they are libertarians or moderates, but not conservatives.


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